expertgel 樂捷

Brand ReasonQuality
The Realization
In 1990, Mr. Chang stepped out of a medical university and immersed himself into the public health care system. He managed a hospital for many years, then transferred to a private company. Everyday empathy that reminds me of the time in the hospital and other people who suffered.
The Experience
A firefighter who was seriously burned, a little girl who lost a limb from a motor scooter accident. I pictured in my mind about what they must be experiencing at this moment. I had to find answers, solution, and figure out ways that I could alleviate these miserable pains that I and others experience. What to do, I asked
The Transition
Owning a successful manufacturing business was a big plus. I had all of the resources and more than enough capital to take it to a new level and into a new direction. The company needed to grow and I felt that it was time to make that transition. I wanted to do something for people. I wanted to feel good about what I do in life.
The friendship
Mr. Mariano and I are what you might call a high speed train on a collision course with a 20 foot thick wall of concrete. We spend more time together than with our wives and children. Any way, that’s another story. Fortunately, he had the combination that unlocked the safe that contained the information( biotechnology) I needed.
The research and development
Here’s where “BIOGEL” comes in. Biodegradable, malleable, and environmentally friendly. There are endless uses and applications. I’ll admit that the technology is new and there’s still a tremendous amount of research and development involved, a lot of what is known are carefully guarded secrets. It did take some time, but we successfully incorporated this technology into all of the products that were in their development stages. Through stringent testing and test subject input (actual users), we know that our designs are extremely useful in reducing pain, and in some cases, eliminating symtoms completely. Today, we develop and utilize this technology, extensively. We are successful because of the mindful considerate dedication of our team of experts. They all have one goal here at EXPERTGEL. We dedicate ourselves to making life enjoyable. We’d like to share our amazing product with you. You’d just have to try them. It’s the only way to experience how they help people who experience discomfort. In 2005, the co-founder, Mr. Mariano who wrote in expertgel’s US office.